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  • C.A.T.S. Malta

EADMT Documentary (2017) Resilient Lives: Building Strength Through Dance Movement Therapy

Published on 29 Sep 2017


Documentary "Resilient Lives: Building Strength Through Dance Movement Therapy" about Dance Movement Therapy and European Association Dance Movement Therapy.

Filmed during the 1st European Association Dance Movement Therapy Conference "Resilience within a Changing World" September 26– 27, 2014 | Riga, Latvia

Organised by European Association Dance Movement Therapy in co-operation with Rīga Stradiņš University Arts Therapy Programme & the Latvian Dance Movement Therapy Association

Made possible by the generous and kind support from the EADMT community and all the crowdfunding campaign contributors.

Thank You all!

Featuring six DMT professionals in conversation about Dance Movement Therapy and 20 years of European Association Dance Movement Therapy.

Finding the right words, pioneering the mindful movement, embracing doubts and moving forward together.

Professor Dr Helen Payne, PhD

Penelope A.Best, PGCE, MCAT, SrDMP

Richard Coaten, PhD

Dr Iris Brauninger, PhD

Dr Vincenzo Puxeddu, PhD

Irina Biryukova, BC-DMT, CAGS

Director & Producer: Kate Pavula

Executive Producer: Jeanette MacDonald

Director of Photography: Toms Taukulis Project

Initiator & Interviewer: Julia Morozova, EADMT

Video © 2014-2017 EADMT

Music © Blue Dot Sessions (licensed)

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